Why Is MCT Oil Good for Keto?

If you’ve been keto for long enough, the odds are pretty good that you’ve heard about the benefits of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides). Like any supplement, especially in the areas of health and weight loss, there are some myths and exaggerations floating around the internet, but there is actually a good amount of science to back up the benefits of MCT oil for […]

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Cooking Keto Dinners with Green Chef

After nearly three years of keto, I can’t really imagine myself going back to a more “standard” way of eating. The food is delicious, and I love the fact that so many companies are starting to notice that there is an increasing demand for food products that are low in carbs and high in healthy fats and proteins. But despite […]

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Top Five Must Have Tools for a Keto Kitchen

One of the biggest concerns I hear from people who are considering or just beginning their keto journey is that it will be too hard to get started. Eating a high carb diet allows us to rely more on convenience foods, and although more convenient keto options are becoming increasingly available, I imagine most people find themselves cooking meals at home more often […]

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Answering More Questions About Perfect Keto/Exogenous Ketones

After posting my Perfect Keto review a little while ago, I’ve gotten a couple of additional questions via comments/messages wanting to know more detail. Since some of these questions get repeated a lot, I thought it would be worth it to address them all in one post similar to my original Perfect Keto review post. If you still have additional questions that […]

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Why I Don’t Fight My Sweet Tooth

Ketoers everywhere can probably agree that foods like steak, almonds, bacon, and avocado are sensible (and tasty!) choices for LCHF eating. But when it comes to processed “frankenfoods” (like Quest Bars and low carb tortillas) or even homemade copycat treats (like my keto cinnamon roll pancakes) the consensus is a lot less clear. Some people view the desire for something […]

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